Adelita Husni-Bey
Year of publication

Opening reception: Thursday 20 October from 18:00 to 21:00.
Stemming from research and in-depth inter-actions with people, Adelita Husni-Bey's process-based work questions and makes visible the legislative, pedagogical, and economic structures that frame the daily life. A Wave in the well presents existing work as well as new work produced in collaboration with the youth-led organization NAHNOO and members of th epublic.
Produced during a year-long residency in San Francisco, the video After the Finish Line explores the psychological and physical aspects of competitive culture. The video installation Ard Looks at the often tense and uneven encounter between redevelopment plans and local residents, in this case in the informal neighborhoods of Gezirat al-Qursaya and Ramlet Boulaq in Cairo.
Adelita Husni-Bey stages workshops, seminars, publications, radio broadcasts, archives and exhibitions focused on using collectivists and non-competitive pedagogical models within the framework or urban studies. In her ten years practising as both an artist and a pedagogue, Husni-Bey has worked with activists jurists, schoolchildren, spoken word poets, students, and teachers on unpacking the complexity of collectivity . To make good what can never be made good: what we owe each other. Recent exhibitions include Movement Break, Kadish foundation, San Francisco, 2016 ; Undiscovered Worlds, the New York High Line, New-York, 2015 ; Really Useful Knowledge, Reina Sofia Museum, Madrid, 2014 : Utopia for Sale? MAAXXI Museum, Rome, 2014 : and playing Truant, Gasworks, London.
Exhibition guide
Download the exhibition guide in Arabic, English, and French.