Writing Workshop


Writing Workshop

Saturday 17 February 2024, from 10:00 to 14:00.

Through a series of prompts and exercises centered on The Workers (1957) by Simone Baltaxé-Martayan, participants will be invited to actively engage with and reflect on the painting and the multitude of meaning it conveys. The process will result in both individual writing reflections and a collective visual production.

The Workers (1957) is a large-scale painting from the Sursock Museum Collection that has been recently restored and has been featured in the exhibition Beirut and the Golden Sixties shown in Berlin, Lyon, and Doha. The painting will be displayed in Beirut for the first time.

The aim of the workshop is to imagine alternative ways to interact with the Museum’s collection. Instead of privileging an expert position, we seek to engage the audience in a process of knowledge co-production. The workshop is facilitated by Nohad ElHajj. 12 participants will be selected. No specific experience is required.

Please apply through the form before Wednesday 14 February.

Nohad ElHajj is a multi-disciplinary artistic researcher, facilitator and consultant. Her work focuses on facilitating dialogue and storytelling processes. She opens and holds space for groups to reflect, imagine and be.