Open Call 4 Days Dance Lab
12, 15, 18 & 19 September 2023

Sursock Museum is proud to present the opportunity to physically experience the immersive audio-visual installation EJECTA and explore potentials to respond to, morph into and oppose its volcanic eruptions of light and fragmented images. The expelling of darkness forms a bright landscape to which we relate through our bodies and our own various experiences of catharsis. During the four days of Dance Lab, we will take on the challenge to channel out personal, political, cultural and historical fragments within ourselves and allow them to transform into something more dynamic. We follow our utopian desires through the moving body, eject parts of our inner worlds to the outside and leave traces of vitality to echo what has been, what is and what will be.
When and where?
Each session begins with an improvised warm-up preparing our bodies for the next three hours. Dancing with sneakers happens inside the exhibition hall at Sursock Museum and the result of the lab will be shared in the form of a twenty-minute performance on the Friday 22 September. The rehearsals take place on the following dates:
Tuesday 12 September from 2 to 6 pm
Friday 15 September from 5 to 9 pm
Monday 18 September from 11 am to 3 pm
Tuesday 19 September from 11 am to 3 pm
Who can apply and how?
Everyone above 18 with dancing experience or other movement-base practices and a curiosity to explore and share through a choreographic process.
Should you be interested, kindly apply by sending a short motivation statement (150 words max) along with a one minute video to [email protected] by Friday 1 September.
Five applicants will be selected and will be offered remuneration for the four days lab and final performance; they must be available during the entire schedule of the lab.
The five selected dancers will be notified by e-mail on Monday 4 September.
*Kindly note that the first hour of rehearsals is always open to all applicants and free of charge.
About Simea: Simea Cavelti is a dancer, choreographer and teacher based in Basel (Switzerland) with a Bachelor degree from the London Contemporary Dance School The Place (2014). She currently lives and works in Beirut. Through movement she relies on her body archive, broad imagination and reflections to convey what may feel intangible. The body becomes the primary landscape, where divergent lines of stories and experiences intersect. A sense of belonging and being human grows from inside out. Simea is interested in the complexity of overlapping cultures and identities. Her exploration of spiritual dimensions within her subjects of reference results in work that hover between their concrete form and their loaded potential. Between 2014- 2017 she worked in Lebanon, Jordan and Morocco, in various collaborative projects and as a dancer in Europe with Joshua Monten, Renate Graziadei, Omar Ghayatt, Fabrice Mazliah and Simon McBurney amongst others. Her work has been shown in various theatres, galleries, museums and off spaces in Switzerland and abroad.
Lena Schattenberg, professional and international dancer will accompany the entire phase of the project and participate in the final performance.