Let's Talk About the Weather: Art and Ecology in a Time of Crisis

Artist interviews
What do Let's Talk about the Weather's participating artists have to say about their work? You can watch the interviews we conducted with eight of them to gain a better understanding of the main themes and ideas behind their work. Interviewed artists are Marwa Arsanios, Joana Hadjithomas and Khalil Joreige, Jessika Khazrik, Adrian Lahoud, Emeric Lhuisset, Claire Pentecost, Monira Al Qadiri, and Marwan Rechmaoui. You can access the videos here.
About the exhibition
Over the last one hundred years, humans have drastically altered the natural environment through industrialization, intensive farming, rapid urbanization, and the development of fossil fuels.
In an era of planetary climate change, how will these transformations alter the way we live our lives? How can we understand climate change from a historical and cultural perspective? How can we imagine an alternative, more equitable future?
Let’s Talk About the Weather: Art and Ecology in a Time of Crisis brings together 17 local and international artists showcasing new works dealing with climate change and ecological disaster.
You can watch the exhibition trailer here.
Artists are Marwa Arsanios in collaboration with Samer Frangie, Sammy Baloji, Ursula Biemann and Paulo Tavares, Design Earth, Joana Hadjithomas and Khalil Joreige, Emre Hüner, Jessika Khazrik or The Society of False Witnesses, Adrian Lahoud, Emeric Lhuisset, Nicholas Mangan, Sophia Al Maria, Pedro Neves Marques, Marko Peljhan, Claire Pentecost, Monira Al Qadiri, Marwan Rechmaoui, and Natascha Sadr Haghighian.
About the publication
A special series of publications, edited by Ashkan Sepahvand in collaboration with the exhibition curators, will be produced in conjunction with this exhibition, with contributions from Angela Anderson, Marwa Arsanios, Omar Berrada and Sarah Riggs, Ursula Biemann and Paulo Tavares, Ewen Chardronnet, Adib Dada, Forensic Architecture, Rania Ghosn (Design Earth), Hamza Hamouchene, Razmig Keucheyan, Lara Khaldi, Jessika Khazrik, Kapwani Kiwanga, Adrian Lahoud, Bronwyn Lay, Erica Lee and Zoe Todd, Namik Mačkić, Fadi Mansour, Sophia Al Maria, Achille Mbembe, Angela Melitopoulos, Pedro Neves Marques, Elizabeth Povinelli, Pelin Tan, Françoise Vergès, and Elisabeth von Samsonow.
You can read more about the publications here.
Exhibition partners: The American University of Beirut – University Libraries, Cedar Environmental, Château Marsyas, The Embassy of Switzerland in Lebanon, The French Embassy in Lebanon, Al Furat Publishing and Distribution, marra.tein, Pikasso, Salem International Group (SIG), and V4 Advisors.