Brazilian Film Festival: Three Summers
Thursday 21 July 2022, 20:30 to 22:30
In Portuguese with English Subtitles
Free admission, mandatory online reservation

Three summers
Directed by Sandra Kogut, 2019
94’, Brazil/ France.
Cast: Regina Casé, Rogério Fróes, Gisele Fróes, Jéssica Ellen
Screenplay: Sandra Kogut, Iana Cossoy Paro
Director of photography: Ivo Lopes Araújo
Editing: Luisa Marques, Sérgio Mekler
Music: Berna Ceppas
Three Summers (‘Três Verões’) (directed by Sandra Kogut) - Every December, between Christmas and New Year, Edgar and Marta host a lavish family celebration at their luxurious summer house by the beach. In 2015 all seems well, despite some tense phone calls and a guest wearing an ankle monitor. In 2016 the annual party is abruptly cancelled. What happens to the invisible people living in the orbit of the rich and powerful when these lives collapse?
Through the gaze of an employee and a forgotten elderly father, both victims of the neoliberal nightmare, we see a portrait of contemporary Brazil just before the tragedy of 2018. The signs were all there, but we didn’t know how to read them.
All films are with English subtitles
Entrance is free | reservations can be made here