ARP Talks: Hanane Hajj Ali
Thursday 3 November 2016, 19:00 to 20:30
In French and Arabic
Free admission
Places limited. First-come, first-served.

The visual arts are indebted to Lebanese political theatre. A significant number of today’s most well-known artists began their journeys with the Ayloul Festival, founded by Elias Khoury and Pascale Feghali, and closely linked to the Beirut Theatre. Hanane Hajj Ali is one of those best able to evoke this history, through her research and her activism. This cultural, social, and political history belongs to us all, and merits being passed on and kept alive beyond the memory of those who experienced it at firsthand.
Hanane Hajj Ali is a lecturer at IESAV, Saint-Joseph University (USJ), and an expert in cultural management. An attaché to the Lebanese Ministry of Culture, she is also the author of numerous works including “Introduction to Cultural Policies,” and “Théâtre Beyrouth.” A cofounder of the Hakawati theatre group, Shams and Al-Mawred Athaqafy, she is also a member of numerous organizations including Ettijahat, Action for Hope Initiative, Censorship Observatory, and Save Beirut Theatre.
About ARP Talks
This talk is part of a second series of talks organized in partnership with ARP-ALBA (Artistic Research Practices). Throughout this series, artists are invited to present one work, giving a deeper understanding of the research and mechanisms informing their practice, through their actions.
This series of talks is intended as an introduction to contemporary artistic practices by allowing artists to open up what they do and how they do it. The program proposes direct access to contemporary practices through the action of its agents: artists, but also curators and critics.
Taking place in the auditorium, each talk is followed by a discussion with the audience.
In addition to artist talks, curators and cultural practitioners are invited to present on the history of art infrastructure, with a focus on the region. Taking place in the library, these talks include access to archival materials and documentation, and are structured in the manner of an informal seminar.
ARP Talks are aimed at those with an interest in contemporary art and who wish to become better acquainted with contemporary artistic practices.
This series of talks follows on from an international conference on L’Action d’Art (The Action of Art) organized by ARP-ALBA in April 2016.